GTM 3D object's first resin Cast kit! "The Black Knight (Duckus DACCAS the Black Knight) finally appears in HSGK !!
The second GTM three-dimensional project is that "Black Knight" or "DACCAS the Black Knight"!
The characteristic silhouette of Mamoru Nagano's highest peak "Black Knight", which was thought to be impossible to reproduce as a three-dimensional object, will be sharpened by the Zoukei-ZOUKEI-MURA sculptor and will be challenged to complete reproduction to the limit.
The product specifications are a fixed pose that reproduces the beautiful standing figure published in "Designs 4" as the HSGK of the assembly kit that adopted the two-color molding of the clear exterior and the inner Internal Frame. You can thoroughly enjoy the characteristic design reminiscent of Onigawara and the silhouette peculiar to GTM with a twin swing mechanism.